Schilling's P-47D-25 Masks for the 1/48 Miniart Thunderbolts
This download includes designs to cut masks for the lower port wing 55” insignia, squadron codes, and fuselage invasion stripes on Col. Dave Shilling’s Hairless Joe. Two styles of the individual aircraft code S are included— one with stencil gaps, the other with the gaps painted— so you can model Hairless Joe at the different points of service depicted in period photos. Evidently, Schilling pranged his kite at some point with the repair resulting in the repainting of the S and the camouflage on the vertical tail.
The set is an addendum to our 8AF Essential Masks where you can find the rest of the insignia as well as the canopy, clear parts, wheels, prop tips, wing walks, and wing invasion stripes. At least one photo shows Hairless Joe with what looks to be only white stripes on the starboard wing only.
Use kit or aftermarket decals for the serial numbers, victory markings, nose art, and stencils.
Schilling's P-47D-25 Masks for the 1/48 Miniart Thunderbolts
This download includes designs to cut masks for the lower port wing 55” insignia, squadron codes, and fuselage invasion stripes on Col. Dave Shilling’s Hairless Joe. Two styles of the individual aircraft code S are included— one with stencil gaps, the other with the gaps painted— so you can model Hairless Joe at the different points of service depicted in period photos. Evidently, Schilling pranged his kite at some point with the repair resulting in the repainting of the S and the camouflage on the vertical tail.
The set is an addendum to our 8AF Essential Masks where you can find the rest of the insignia as well as the canopy, clear parts, wheels, prop tips, wing walks, and wing invasion stripes. At least one photo shows Hairless Joe with what looks to be only white stripes on the starboard wing only.
Use kit or aftermarket decals for the serial numbers, victory markings, nose art, and stencils.