8AF P-47D-25 Thunderbolt Essential Mask set for the 1/48 Miniart kit


This download includes mask designs for the canopy (inside and out), clear parts, prop tips, main wheels, tailwheel, standard insignia, tail theater bands, invasion stripes, enlarged underwing insignia, and antiglare panel for any 8AF D-25 Thunderbolt.

You’ll download three 7 x 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3 mm) files with enough masks to paint any variable of wing insignia and invasion stripes. Use the kit decals for specific markings, or pair this download with our upcoming mask designs for D-25s flown by Gabreski, Christianson, Zemke, Bailey’s “Butch II” from the 352nd FS, Schilling, and Hewitt’s MX E from the 78th FG.

As Miniart releases more variants, so will we. We’re big Thunderbolt fans. Especially 15AF, so stay tuned for candy cane and lightning bolt tail masks.

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