P-39/P-400 Airacobra Styrene Sheet Metal for the 1/48 Arma Hobby kits


Our latest Styrene Sheet Metal set adds just a little scale fidelity to the 1/48 Arma Hobby Airacobras. The download includes designs for cutting thinner main gear, radiator vent, and oil cooler vent doors. It also includes structures to make the main wheel wells more accurate and the small gear door for the nose wheel strut.

Each design is rendered in two colors: black for cutting out the forms, and red for scribing rivets and other details. Cut the parts from .010 sheet styrene and if you like, cut a second set from .005 to get scale thin edges on the vent and gear doors.

The download includes one 4 x 6 inch .svg file, a .dxf copy for Silhouette, and a pdf Placement Guide.

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