1/48 F-86A Sabre Yellow/Black Korean ID Band Essential Masks for the Clear Prop! kit


Our first mask set for the Clear Prop! F-86A features the early black and white ID bands. This new set includes the yellow and black stripes that replaced them. Story goes that since the Sabre and the MiG-15 look so similar from a distance, the WWII ETO vets in the 4th FG recommended black and white stripes to aid in recognition. Heck, it worked in the skies over the D-Day beachheads, why not Korea?

Soon enough, a broad yellow stripe with black trim replaced the black and white, and was eventually painted on all the Sabres stationed in Korea. This download gives you all the same masks from our first set: clear parts, national insignia, USAF wing markings, wheels, intake sensor, wing walk stripes and fuselage reference stripes. Even the canopy sealant masks are included. We’ve replaced the black and white stripes with yellow bands, trimmed in black, for the fuselage, wings, and vertical tail..

The set includes three 7 x 9.5 inch (240 x 180 mm) .svg files, .dxf copies, and a pdf Placement Guide. Use kit or aftermarket decals for the stencils, aircraft numbers, and personal markings for any 4th FG F-86A you'd like to model.

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Note: Our photo illustration depicts a checkerboard tail. We’ve worked up the design, but it seems they didn’t appear on F-86As. We’ll include the checkerboard— along with a few other tail-marking mask designs—with our planned F-86E set. This set includes the yellow tail band more common on F-86As.

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