Alan Deere's "Kiwi" Comprehensive Mask Set for the Kotare Spitfire Mk.Ia


While we all wait for the Kotare Mk.Vs, let’s tie up a few loose ends. We’ve got a few mask sets to help your finish up those Mk.Is. First up is Kiwi. This release has all the essential masks from our DW*K set: canopies (inside and out), masks for protecting it while you paint around it, masks for the rest of the clear parts, prop tips, gunsight, wheels, radiator/oil cooler screens, wing walk stripes, upper wing roundels, and for the undersides of the stabilizers so you cans paint the camouflage around them. As a bonus, masks for the radiator and oil cooler attachment points are included so you can attach them after painting.

What’s new in this release are the fin flashes, fuselage/lower wing roundels, and squadron codes specific to Kiwi. We’ve also included masks for the Kiwi nose art, including a set for the starboard side.

This set includes downloads for three 7 X 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3 mm) .svg files, 3 .dxf copies for Silhouette, and a PDF Placement Guide. Use your decals for the stencils and you’re good to go.

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