Alan Deere's "Kiwi" Comprehensive Mask Set for the Kotare Spitfire Mk.Ia
While we all wait for the Kotare Mk.Vs, let’s tie up a few loose ends. We’ve got a few mask sets to help your finish up those Mk.Is. First up is Kiwi. This release has all the essential masks from our DW*K set: canopies (inside and out), masks for protecting it while you paint around it, masks for the rest of the clear parts, prop tips, gunsight, wheels, radiator/oil cooler screens, wing walk stripes, upper wing roundels, and for the undersides of the stabilizers so you cans paint the camouflage around them. As a bonus, masks for the radiator and oil cooler attachment points are included so you can attach them after painting.
What’s new in this release are the fin flashes, fuselage/lower wing roundels, and squadron codes specific to Kiwi. We’ve also included masks for the Kiwi nose art, including a set for the starboard side.
This set includes downloads for three 7 X 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3 mm) .svg files, 3 .dxf copies for Silhouette, and a PDF Placement Guide. Use your decals for the stencils and you’re good to go.
Alan Deere's "Kiwi" Comprehensive Mask Set for the Kotare Spitfire Mk.Ia
While we all wait for the Kotare Mk.Vs, let’s tie up a few loose ends. We’ve got a few mask sets to help your finish up those Mk.Is. First up is Kiwi. This release has all the essential masks from our DW*K set: canopies (inside and out), masks for protecting it while you paint around it, masks for the rest of the clear parts, prop tips, gunsight, wheels, radiator/oil cooler screens, wing walk stripes, upper wing roundels, and for the undersides of the stabilizers so you cans paint the camouflage around them. As a bonus, masks for the radiator and oil cooler attachment points are included so you can attach them after painting.
What’s new in this release are the fin flashes, fuselage/lower wing roundels, and squadron codes specific to Kiwi. We’ve also included masks for the Kiwi nose art, including a set for the starboard side.
This set includes downloads for three 7 X 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3 mm) .svg files, 3 .dxf copies for Silhouette, and a PDF Placement Guide. Use your decals for the stencils and you’re good to go.