Midway Addendum: VT-3 from Yorktown


We intended to release three sets of masks for the 1/32 Trumpeter TBD: one for Midway, one for Coral Sea/Wake, and one for prewar yellow wings. But after we released our first, a few enthusiasts suggested the other Midway TBD squadrons are perhaps overshadowed by the famous sacrifice of Torpedo 8.

Torpedo 3 was assigned to Yorktown at the Battle of Midway, and their sacrifice is equally compelling, losing 10 of 12 aircraft launched. Among the lost crews were Torpedo 3 commander Lance Massey and his gunner Leo Perry. While there is little documentation of their aircraft, 3-T-1 is depicted here as it probably appeared during the June 4 engagement.

Best we can tell from pictures, some Yorktown TBDs had the insignia moved aft, but one grainy image shows the larger insignia in the forward position. Pictures show the “3-T-” prefix already deleted by March 1942, leaving only plane numbers on the fuselage. Those pictures show the plane numbers on the starboard side to be unusually far forward of the insignia. We’re guessing they simply painted out the “T-3-” and left the plane number where it was. This suggests the number might be in a different position on the port side. We’re including mask options for these positions, just to add some variety to the very plain markings of Midway TBDs.

3-T-3 was the plane assigned to Harry Corl and Lloyd Childers, who famously emptied his .30s at attacking Zeros, then proceeded to engage them with his .45. The US Naval Institute has a great interview where Childers recounts his 21st birthday: June 4, 1942. The article also includes stories from other rear gunners in the early days of the war in the Pacific.

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Also included are numbers for 3-T-8 and 3-T-10. If you have basic vector drawing skills, inclusion of these will allow you to move around assets to create a variety of other aircraft from VT-3, VT-6 and VT-8. This download includes two 7.25 x 9” (184.15 x 228.6mm) SVG files, DXF copies (for Silhouette), and a PDF addendum to augment the Torpedo 8 placement guide.

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