87 Squadron Hurricane Night Intruders for the 1/48 Arma Mk. IIc


This set of downloads features all of the roundels, fin flashes, and common mask designs from our Essential Set but replaces the kit squadron codes with markings from RAF 87 Squadron. Featured are LK ? and two different versions of LK A, each in different paint schemes with proportional changes to the squadron codes and roundels. Also included are fuselage stripes, leading edge ID stripes, main wheels, and spare roundels/fin flashes in case you’e using squadron code decals from an aftermarket sheet. Overspray masks for the wingtip lights, windshield, radiator screens, and radiator attachment point round out the set. The personal and presentation markings on these aircraft are too small to reliably cut on home machines, so you’ll have to find aftermarket decals for those.

Download includes three 7 x 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3mm) SVG files, three DXF copies, and a PDF placement guide. Pair these with our Camouflage and Cockpit/Wheel Well Overspray downloads to paint your Hurricane Hawaiian Air Depot-style

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HAD Essential Mask Sets are designed to be complimented by kit and aftermarket decals for small markings including serials, nose art, and stencils.

1/48 Spitfire Mk.IIa, Dunn's Eagle Squadron XRD Masks for the Eduard kit
1/48 P-51 Wing and Tail Alignment Jigs
8AF P-47D-25 Thunderbolt Essential Mask set for the 1/48 Miniart kit
1/48 Airacobra RAF/Guadalcanal Camouflage Masks for the Arma kit
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