1/48 Spitfire Mk.IIa, Dunn's Eagle Squadron XRD Masks for the Eduard kit


Spitfires are always beautiful, but they look even a little better with an American in the cockpit. This design will let you cut masks for everything you need to paint William Dunn’s 71 Squadron Spitfire Mk.IIa: insignia, squadron codes, fuselage band, serial, and Eagle Squadron emblem. You’ll also get masks for the wheels, radiator, oil cooler, 3 versions of prop tips, wingtip and underside lights, and wing walk stripes. The Eduard kit includes excellent canopy frame masks, so instead we provide a set to mask off the complete parts to protect them during painting an finishing.

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Well, almost everything. Look for our camouflage masks for the Edurad Spitfire I-Vs coming soon!

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Sale Price:$4.25 Original Price:$4.99