Clostermann's Spitfire IX Masks for the 1/24 Airfix Kit


This set of downloads includes designs to cut and mask the fuselage elements of Pierre Clostermann's Spitfire Mk. IX. The set included everything you need to paint the fuselage roundels, squadron codes, serials, Lyon Coat of Arms, and fuselage invasions stripes.

Individual mask designs are included for 3 different paint jobs: the partial invasion stripes seen in the most famous pictures, full invasion stripes as seen on D-Day, and a pre-D-Day option without invasion stripes. Since we can't find reliable photo documentation of the starboard side, we also include options for squadron codes in both arrangements and a mirror image of the coat of arms. (One grainy picture shows L OD and no coat of arms at all on the starboard side)

Download includes two 8 x 12 inch (302.2 x 304.8mm) .svg files, .dxf copies for Silhouette, and a PDF placement guide. This download is an addendum to our Essential Mask Set, where you can find designs for the fin flashes, wing insignia, fuselage and leading edge ID stripes, clear parts, wheels, and a bunch of other stuff. Use kit or aftermarket decals for stencils, victory markings, and other tiny things.

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