1/32 8AF Mustang Essential Masks for the Revell P-51D-5/15


This download has everything you need to mask some fancy 8AF P-51Ds using the 1/32 Revell P-51D-5 or D-15. Included are mask designs for the canopy (inside and out), clear parts, national insignia, and antiglare panel. And for zealous Mustang modelers we include designs to mask the fuselage fuel tank, the stringers in the wheel wells, and a mask set to quickly putty the wings.

For the 8AF we’ve designed ID stripes, wing invasion stripes, 2 styles of fuselage invasion stripes, the spinner stripe, and 2 checkerboard designs you can modify to paint many different airframes from the 357th, 339th, and 55th Fighter Groups. Use kit or aftermarket decals for your squadron codes, serials, personal markings , and stencils; this mask set will do the rest.

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Stay tuned for addendum sheets to mask the checkerboard noses of the 78th and 353rd Fighters Groups, and some 15AF markings soon after.

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