1/24 VF-83 F6F-5 Death N' Destruction Addendum


This download includes designs for the geometric markings of USS Essex, code numbers, and the nose art for “Death N’ Destruction from VF-83. The geometric masks feature a second edge to imitate the tape used to paint the markings. With it you can recreate the obvious overspray seen in period photos.

This Addendum set is designed to complement our Essential Mask set, which provides mask designs for the insignia, wing walks, prop tips, wheels, canopy and the rest of the clear parts. Use kit or aftermarket decals for the stenciling, bureau number, and victory markings.

Download includes two 7 X 9.5 inch (177.8 x 241.3 mm) .svg files, .dxf copies for Silhouette, and a PDF placement guide.

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